Thursday, 11 March 2010

Healthy Recipes

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Healthy Recipes
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By following the basic rules of variety, moderation (portion control), and balance, you can plan your daily healthy recipes in accordance with Canada's Food Guide. You can partake in almost any food without guilt or worry. You are able to use healthy recipes to learn to utilize foods to lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

By using healthy recipes utilizing any freshly grown local produce; preferably organic, pesticide free; where possible, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Use the least amount of salt and sugar; where possible eliminate both, for your heart's sake. Most fruits do not need sugar added, and most vegetables do not need salt.

Learn to eat less sweets and use Splenda, a natural sugar replacement as often as possible in healthy recipes, in order to keep sugar intake lower, and sea salt in place of regular table salt, to keep our intake of processed iodized salt. Packaged and canned products are usually heavily salted or sugared and it is not necessary - our bodies just do not need it. Choose light and low sugared and salted canned foods if you must.

Learn to read labels of packaged or processed foods, often the "healthy nutritious" part of the food has been taken out of the actual food by the time it reaches our mouths - home made healthy grown food, used in healthy recipes tastes much better than processed foods. It has been recommended that we use non-hydrogenated oils in our foods and stay away from as much animal fat as possible.

Using healthy meat in recipes means we use grain fed, pesticide free organic meats. It may cost a little more, and you may have to order ahead of date required (ie. organically fed - free range birds and free range organically fed cows). It is highly recommended for your good health as these animals will not have been fed anti-biotics, which normally would pass through the meat and into our bloodstreams as we eat the meat; thereby enabling our systems to build up anti-immunities to these drugs. The more we eat those antibiotic filled meats, the more anti-biotics become immune to new and old diseases. Stay with organic meats!!

Learning to eat healthfully by using foods that are pesticide free, organically fresh, locally grown, and not genetically altered, will show you not only the benefits of a healthy body, but a healthy mind.

Finally, learning to use healthful foods to benefit our healthy recipes, choose to using these recipes as a canvas and you be the painter. Healthful foods need not be boring or complicated or take ages to make. Using a healthful recipe is a creation of art, and especially so, when you learn the benefits of and what constitutes healthy eating.

Remember we are what we eat!


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