Friday, 16 April 2010

Eat simply Orgnanic - Why Take Chances With Your Health

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As time goes by, you are undoubtedly noticing more and more organic products and produce in your market. You might ask yourself what the benefits of buying organic groceries would be. What makes it worthwhile to go organic?

The Organic Trade Association defines organic production as "based on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil fertility without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. Organically produced foods also must be produced without the use of antibiotics, synthetic hormones, genetic engineering and other excluded practices, sewage sludge, or irradiation." So what does eating food grown organically mean to our bodies, to the planet, and to the future?

1. Better health - Organic food container higher levels of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium on average. Organic food also retains more antioxidants which help rid the body of stressors and help prevent cancer. Also, it has no pesticides which also may contribute to cancer.

2. No negative additives - Certain food additives can contribute to health issues such as heart disease, osteoporosis, hyperactivity and migraines.

3. Avoids pesticides - Many foods still have a pesticide residue, even after being peeled or washed! These toxic pesticides are not found on organic produce. As mentioned earlier, pesticides can contribute to cancer. Also, the use of pesticides is harmful to farmers using it and the environment.

4. No reliance of drugs in animals - There is growing concern on the high, routine use of antibiotics on farm animals and its effects on human health. Organic farms do not use routine antibiotics on their animals.

5. No genetic modification of plants or animals.

6. Supports small farmers - the majority of organic farms are independently owned and are less then 100 acres in size. Supporting organic foods encourages these farm's business.

7. Cares for animals - organic standards take the treatment of animals very seriously. Animal welfare groups such as Compassion in World Farming acknowledge the benefits of organic approach when it comes to animal welfare.

8. Protects water quality - pesticides contaminate ground water in many areas of the world. Conventional agriculture is considered the largest non-point source of water pollution in the United States!

9. Good for the environment - the producing of organic food is better for wildlife, produces less carbon dioxide and produces less dangerous wastes.

10. Better Taste! Organic food tastes more like the real deal, is typically much more fresh, and is more local. Also, organic foods are not treated with fungicides, so they are sent to market as close to harvest as possible. The produce is ripe and lovely. This often means it should be eaten or cooked quicker to avoid spoilage.

There are a great number of health, environment and economic reasons to choose organic foods. But in the end its all up to you and your personal choices. When seeking organic, be sure to check for the claims "100 percent organic", "made with organic (ingredients or food)", or simply "organic". All in all, organic food is definitely worth it to try; for taste, for quality, for health, for supporting small business, and for the future.

By vida humphreys

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